Tribute to a National hero

Sincere condolences for the assassination of late Major General Janaka Perera who served our nation as a true hero.
Major General Janaka Perera was one of the exceptional figures and one of the most successful military leaders in the history of Sri Lankan battlefield. During his military career, his leadership and endeavors to rescue the homeland from the terrorists are well known and praised by every peaceloving citizen.
His leadership in rescuing the Jaffna peninsula at a crucial and decisive situation is one of his most successful and well known operations.
Major General Janaka Perera also led the army in defeating the terrorist attacks of Weli Oya where his skills and intelligence were used effectively to overpower the terrorists. There were more than 300 terrorists killed and minimum damage to the army. A village was later named as Janakapura in Weli Oya for his contribution.
He was awarded the medals of honour 'Rana Wickrama Padakkama','Rana Sura Padakkama', 'Vishishta Seva Vibhushanaya','Uttama Seva Padakkama'
for his devotion and commitment in saving motherland.
Major General Janaka Perera retired in 2001 and was appointed as the Sri Lankan High Commissioner to Australia and later as the Sri Lanka's Ambassador to Indonesia.
After retiring from his diplomatic career, he entered into politics after joining the United National Party(UNP) and was selected as the candidate for the Chief Minister of North Central Province Municipal Council Election 2008. He received the highest number of votes in the North Central Province Municipal Council Election and was elected as the Opposition Leader of North Central Province Municipal Council.
His untimely death was caused by a suicide bomber who blew himself at an opening ceremony of the party held at Anuradhapura. Major General Janaka Perera was killed along with his wife and 27 others.
As a nation, we salute you for the bravery and leadership you gave in rescuing our country from the clutches of the terrorists.