
Showing posts from 2013

iOS 7 UISearchBar Issue

Dear all, Transition into iOS 7 introduces a lot of adjustments. One such adjustment is the UISearchBar. If you try to set the UISearchBar to the NavigationBar inside a UIViewController, then it will not work correctly in iOS 7. The workaround for that is to use a UISearchDisplayController. Here are the steps. 1. Create your UISearchBar UISearchBar *newSearchBar = [[UISearchBar alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 44)]; newSearchBar.showsCancelButton=YES; newSearchBar.delegate=self; 2. Create a UISearchDisplayController and initialise with the UISearchBar & your ViewController UISearchDisplayController *searchDisplayController=[[UISearchDisplayController alloc] initWithSearchBar:newSearchBar contentsController:self]; 3. Set the datasource & delegates of the UISearchDisplayController searchDisplayController.delegate=self;//The delegate of UISearchDisplayController searchDisplayController.searchResultsDataSource=self;//The data source for the search res...

Crittercism "is this an employee-facing app" meaning

Hi all, Crittercism is very useful in many of our developments. If you have tried to make a new app with Crittercism, they ask you a question "Is this an employee facing app". Apparently, there seems to be no definition and I couldn't figure it out even with the help of my teammates. So, I asked Crittercism myself and here is their explanation. "The question is asked to find out whether your application will be published in the App Stores for anyone to download (B2C) or whether they will be used internally within your organization or company by employees only (B2E)." Hope this helps you too :)

Android Multi format TextView

Hey Androids !!! This is going to be my very first post on Android development. You may know that I've written many posts on Dot Net, Java & iPhone. From today onwards, I will add Android to that list :) So, if you're in a situation that you need to have a single label(TextView) with multiple formats, then this will be the post for you. It becomes very simple when you know a bit of html. Here is a list of tags supported by Android TextView before you get started. Have a look at this before you start. Suppose you have a TextView named multiFormatView TextView multiFormatView; The first step is to build your HTML string. String htmlString = "<b>This is bold</b>"+"And this is not."; Now there is only one line of code. Just set the text to the TextView using. multiFormatView .setText(Html.fromHtml(htmlString)); That's it. So, it will print  This is bold. And this is not. You can juggle around with each o...

XCode importing a file to whole project

Hi, Sometimes you may encounter situations where you have a file which is used frequently throughout the XCode project. This may be a configurations file which is used in 80% of your code files. Importing this in each file is a certain possibility(and the very normal way with no issues), but if you are lazy and just want to add it in one place, this is the post for you. If you analyze the project, there is a file named <project-name>.pch. There is a block of code which has the following. #ifdef __OBJC__     #import < UIKit/UIKit.h>     #import < Foundation/Foundation.h> #endif NOTE: As you can see, UIKit is already added and so is the Foundation framework. That is why you can use classes such as "UIView" or "NSArray" without any additional imports in your code file. That's just an extra bit of info for the curious !!!. So, likewise, we can add our commonly used file into that block as well in the following manner. #i...

iOS Convert Seconds into hours,minutes and seconds

Hi all, In building iPhone applications you may have come across situations that you count some time in seconds, but wish to let the user view it in a more readable format such as 1 hour 38 minutes and 44 seconds. Here is a piece of code that I wrote if you need to get this done in your code. - ( NSString *)timeFormatted:( int )totalSeconds {     int seconds = totalSeconds % 60 ;     int minutes = (totalSeconds / 60 ) % 60 ;     int hours = totalSeconds / 3600 ;         NSString *timeString =@"";     NSString *formatString=@"";     if(hours > 0){         formatString=hours==1?@"%d hour":@"%d hours";         timeString = [timeString stringByAppendingString:[NSString stringWithFormat:formatString,hours]];     }     if(minutes > 0 || hours > 0 ){         formatString=minutes==1?@" %d minute...

Mac Audio Convert Tool

Hi guys. It's really painful when you need to have a soundtrack in one format when you have another format. I found this really useful tool named SoX for Mac OS which you can download free from here .

iPhone manually set Cookies

Hi guys !!! You may have encountered situations where you wish to set some cookies through your app code. There is a very basic procedure to do it. 1. Create a dictionary with all the cookie properties 2. Create a Cookie passing the property dictionary which you created 3. Set the Cookie using the NSHTTPCookieStorage class First create a properties dictionary. NSDictionary *propertiesUsername = [ NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys :                                         @"" , NSHTTPCookieDomain ,                                         @"cookie_name" , NSHTTPCookieName ,                                         @"cookie_value" , NSHTTPCo...